Parent/Student Handbook
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS: Our district provides services to English Language Learners to ensure that they are acquiring English language proficiency and recouping any academic deficits that may have been incurred in other areas of core curriculum.
FINE ARTS: Marigold students receive a district program in the Visual and Performing Arts eleven times a year for a half-day session. They experience music, art, drama, and dance through a thematic approach.
LIBRARY: The library is available to all students during their class library time and for research at the teacher's discretion and library availability. We welcome parent volunteers in the library. Children are encouraged to check out books. It is the student and their family's responsibility to return library books when they are due. Students and their family will be held responsible for the care of loaned books. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student and their family to pay for the book.
ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC SUPPORT: The Learning Center services grades 1-5. It's purpose is to provide early intervention to identified "at risk" students. Students are chosen after careful screening of their academic skills. There is a limit of the number of students per grade level, therefore students are selected based upon the greatest need. We are seeing a significant amount of positive growth for our students through this program.
MUSIC: The music program includes classroom components. The classroom music program is provided for all students in fourth & fifth grades.
P.E./ HEALTH SPECIALIST PROGRAM: Our P.E./Health Specialist works with students in grades 1 through 5 for one hour, twelve times a year. Students learn new P.E. games, are instructed in health related issues and work on team building activities.
PROGRESS REPORTS: A Parent Conference Day is held on the last day of the first trimester of school. Report cards are sent home at the conclusion of the first, second, and third trimesters. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher for a conference whenever a concern about their child's progress arises.
RESOURCE SPECIALIST PROGRAM (RSP): The Resource Specialist Program provides individualized and small group instruction in the areas of Reading, Language Arts, and Math for students who meet state qualifications and have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Marigold School has one full time RSP teacher.
SPEECH THERAPY: Speech therapy is available to students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to assist students with articulation, sound, and language development.
TEXTBOOKS: In compliance with the Williams vs. the State of California lawsuit, textbooks are provided for each student. Students will be held responsible for the care of books assigned to them. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to pay for the book. All books must be accounted for before promotion or transfer.
FINE ARTS: Marigold students receive a district program in the Visual and Performing Arts eleven times a year for a half-day session. They experience music, art, drama, and dance through a thematic approach.
LIBRARY: The library is available to all students during their class library time and for research at the teacher's discretion and library availability. We welcome parent volunteers in the library. Children are encouraged to check out books. It is the student and their family's responsibility to return library books when they are due. Students and their family will be held responsible for the care of loaned books. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student and their family to pay for the book.
ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC SUPPORT: The Learning Center services grades 1-5. It's purpose is to provide early intervention to identified "at risk" students. Students are chosen after careful screening of their academic skills. There is a limit of the number of students per grade level, therefore students are selected based upon the greatest need. We are seeing a significant amount of positive growth for our students through this program.
MUSIC: The music program includes classroom components. The classroom music program is provided for all students in fourth & fifth grades.
P.E./ HEALTH SPECIALIST PROGRAM: Our P.E./Health Specialist works with students in grades 1 through 5 for one hour, twelve times a year. Students learn new P.E. games, are instructed in health related issues and work on team building activities.
PROGRESS REPORTS: A Parent Conference Day is held on the last day of the first trimester of school. Report cards are sent home at the conclusion of the first, second, and third trimesters. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's teacher for a conference whenever a concern about their child's progress arises.
RESOURCE SPECIALIST PROGRAM (RSP): The Resource Specialist Program provides individualized and small group instruction in the areas of Reading, Language Arts, and Math for students who meet state qualifications and have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Marigold School has one full time RSP teacher.
SPEECH THERAPY: Speech therapy is available to students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to assist students with articulation, sound, and language development.
TEXTBOOKS: In compliance with the Williams vs. the State of California lawsuit, textbooks are provided for each student. Students will be held responsible for the care of books assigned to them. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student to pay for the book. All books must be accounted for before promotion or transfer.
JR. VIKING VOICE: The Jr. Viking Voice is our bi-weekly parent letter. It is our major mode of communication with parents. The Jr. Viking Voice provides a current calendar of school events. It also contains articles related to school activities.
WEB PAGE: Marigold School web page is accessible at Parents will find up-to-date information about school activities, copies of the Jr. Viking Voice, a list of staff members with links to e-mail addresses and much more. Just click on the "schools" icon and then find Marigold Elementary School.
WEB PAGE: Marigold School web page is accessible at Parents will find up-to-date information about school activities, copies of the Jr. Viking Voice, a list of staff members with links to e-mail addresses and much more. Just click on the "schools" icon and then find Marigold Elementary School.
ANIMALS: Animals are not to be brought to school unless arrangements are made with the teacher in advance. Please do not bring dogs on campus after school or on the weekends. They are not allowed on campus.
CELL PHONES: Cell phones are not to be used by students during school hours. They cause disruption in class and on the playground. Cell phones will be confiscated by staff members should students use them during school hours. Students or parents may pick up the cell phone in the office at the end of the school day. Should students need to use the phone they need to ask permission from their teacher & then use the classroom phone. If a student is not feeling well they must report to the school health office before going home.
HARASSMENT-FREE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: All members of the school community; students, faculty, classified staff, and administrators are protected by state and federal law from discrimination, harassment and retaliation on the basis of race, national origin, sex, age, disability and other protected status. Chico Unified School District has discrimination and harassment policy and a complaint procedure for student, which was developed to provide information and guidelines regarding the law and the proper procedure for addressing inappropriate conduct directed toward them by their peers or district staff. You may request a copy of this policy by calling the District's personnel office at 891-3000 ext. 144.
PARTIES: District policy allows classrooms to have two parties a year, which are determined by the teacher. Please check with your student's teacher in advance regarding birthday celebrations. We ask that you do not sent party invitations to your child's classroom for parties to be held outside of school hours unless you are inviting the entire class.
TOYS: Toys and electronic instruments, (CD player, I Pods, etc.) cause distraction in the classroom and on the playground and can be costly to students if they are lost. Please leave toys, etc. at home unless the teacher has approved the item for sharing. Toys and electronic instruments will be used confiscated if used inappropriately.
CELL PHONES: Cell phones are not to be used by students during school hours. They cause disruption in class and on the playground. Cell phones will be confiscated by staff members should students use them during school hours. Students or parents may pick up the cell phone in the office at the end of the school day. Should students need to use the phone they need to ask permission from their teacher & then use the classroom phone. If a student is not feeling well they must report to the school health office before going home.
HARASSMENT-FREE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: All members of the school community; students, faculty, classified staff, and administrators are protected by state and federal law from discrimination, harassment and retaliation on the basis of race, national origin, sex, age, disability and other protected status. Chico Unified School District has discrimination and harassment policy and a complaint procedure for student, which was developed to provide information and guidelines regarding the law and the proper procedure for addressing inappropriate conduct directed toward them by their peers or district staff. You may request a copy of this policy by calling the District's personnel office at 891-3000 ext. 144.
PARTIES: District policy allows classrooms to have two parties a year, which are determined by the teacher. Please check with your student's teacher in advance regarding birthday celebrations. We ask that you do not sent party invitations to your child's classroom for parties to be held outside of school hours unless you are inviting the entire class.
TOYS: Toys and electronic instruments, (CD player, I Pods, etc.) cause distraction in the classroom and on the playground and can be costly to students if they are lost. Please leave toys, etc. at home unless the teacher has approved the item for sharing. Toys and electronic instruments will be used confiscated if used inappropriately.
ATTENDANCE: For students to progress academically it is essential that they are on time and in class daily. We ask that parents notify the office when their child is absent. Please call and tell us the student's name, teacher, date, duration of absence and the reason for the absence at 891-3121 ext. 52101. If your child is late to class please have them come to the office and check in. The office voice mail is available for you to leave a message during non-office hours.
HEALTH OFFICE: Our school nurse is on site one day a week. She primarily supervises vision and hearing screening for our students. We have a health aide who helps injured or ill students and who administers medications. Medications need to be accompanied by a MEDICINE AUTHORIZATION FORM signed by a physician. If your child must take medication during school hours, and adult must bring it to the office in the original container. This policy includes all over the counter medications.
OFF CAMPUS PERMITS: Occasionally, parents need to take their child off campus during school hours. (Doctor's appointment, etc.). Parents must stop in the office to sign the child out before the child leaves campus. Only individuals listed on the emergency card are allowed to pick up children.
OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday
7:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
TRANSFERS: If you anticipate a move in or out of Marigold please notify the office in advance. This enables us to complete the necessary paper work in a timely manner.
VISITATIONS: We encourage parents to visit their child's classroom. If you wish to spend time in your child's class please call the teacher ahead of time and make arrangements. Please check in at the office to sign in and for a visitor's pass.
If you need to contact your child during school hours or if your child needs to leave school, please check in at the office before proceeding to your child's class.
We prefer Wednesday mornings should you choose to visit a classroom that is not your child's.
HEALTH OFFICE: Our school nurse is on site one day a week. She primarily supervises vision and hearing screening for our students. We have a health aide who helps injured or ill students and who administers medications. Medications need to be accompanied by a MEDICINE AUTHORIZATION FORM signed by a physician. If your child must take medication during school hours, and adult must bring it to the office in the original container. This policy includes all over the counter medications.
OFF CAMPUS PERMITS: Occasionally, parents need to take their child off campus during school hours. (Doctor's appointment, etc.). Parents must stop in the office to sign the child out before the child leaves campus. Only individuals listed on the emergency card are allowed to pick up children.
OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday
7:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
TRANSFERS: If you anticipate a move in or out of Marigold please notify the office in advance. This enables us to complete the necessary paper work in a timely manner.
VISITATIONS: We encourage parents to visit their child's classroom. If you wish to spend time in your child's class please call the teacher ahead of time and make arrangements. Please check in at the office to sign in and for a visitor's pass.
If you need to contact your child during school hours or if your child needs to leave school, please check in at the office before proceeding to your child's class.
We prefer Wednesday mornings should you choose to visit a classroom that is not your child's.
ARRIVAL TIMES: Students may arrive at 7:30 a.m. when the breakfast program begins and will need to go to the cafeteria until outdoor supervision for students on campus begins at 7:45 a.m. The main entrance gate opens at 7:55 a.m. Breakfast is available to students for $1.50. We ask that students arrive at school as close to the starting time as possible. Students arriving prior to this time are unsupervised and will be asked to call home to be picked up and returned at the correct time.
DISMISSAL TIMES: Students who do not ride the bus are asked to go directly home or to be picked up by parents at dismissal time. We do not have student supervision after school. Please pick up your child promptly. We ask that students make all arrangements for going home prior to that school day (i.e., going to Billy's after school).
All grades are dismissed at 2:00. Students not picked up by 2:15 will be escorted to the office to call home. Please be on time as we have no after school supervision.
SCHOOL LUNCH: The cafeteria at Marigold Elementary School serves lunch between 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM. See our daily schedule for grade level lunch times.
Menus are given to students at the beginning of every month. The menu can also be viewed on the Chico Unified School District's web page at Click on Departments and then Nutrition Services. Full price for lunch is $2.60. Lunch may be purchased daily or may be paid for in advance. The cafeteria supervisor notifies students when they have used all of their prepaid meals. We are not able to extend credit for school lunch. Milk is included in lunch or may be purchased separately for $.50. Lunch and milk tickets may be purchased directly from the cafeteria or online.
Free and reduced price lunches are available for children whose families are eligible. Applications and information are sent home during the summer break and are available in the school office at any time.
PIP AND HEALTHY PLAY PROGRAMS: The Primary Intervention Program (PIP) is a program that provides primary students (grades 1-3) with and "Adult Friend" for support in developing social skills. The one-on-one attention helps children feel good about themselves and builds self esteem.
SAFETY INFORMATION: Chico Unified School District has developed a School Safety Plan for all schools. The includes disaster preparedness drills and emergency plans for students, staff, and the community. School plans are reviewed annually with teachers and students in order to ensure effective action in the event of a school emergency or disaster.
For the safety of our students, when arriving and leaving school:
* Use the cross walk
* Use the parking lots to pick up and drop off students.
* Please note that red zones are NO parking, stopping or standing zones. Vehicle code #21458.
LOST AND FOUND: Marigold staff members are not responsible for lost articles. Lost and Found clothing items are kept in the multipurpose room. Small and valuable items are kept at the office. Please encourage your child to check the Lost and Found on a regular basis. We donate to charities the clothing from the Lost and Found every trimester. Please label all clothing, lunch boxes, and personal school materials with your child's name (first and last).
DRESS CODE: The Board of Education has adopted a policy, which states that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The manner in which students dress for school can influence behavior and learning, therefore, we encourage parents to dress their children in neat, clean clothing appropriate for elementary school activities. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through clothing, halter tops, spaghetti straps, low-cut tops, bare midriffs, sagging pants, and short shorts or skirts are prohibited. For reasons of health/safety and Education Code provisions, all students will wear appropriate footwear (platform, open-toed, and backless footwear are discouraged and may not be worn during P.E.). Cosmetics are not allowed at school. Crude printing, pictures depicting or encouraging drugs, tobacco, alcohol, racial-ethnic slurs, gang affiliation, or images that are sexually suggestive on any apparel are not acceptable. The school will notify parents in the event a child's dress or grooming is not deemed appropriate for school.
DISMISSAL TIMES: Students who do not ride the bus are asked to go directly home or to be picked up by parents at dismissal time. We do not have student supervision after school. Please pick up your child promptly. We ask that students make all arrangements for going home prior to that school day (i.e., going to Billy's after school).
All grades are dismissed at 2:00. Students not picked up by 2:15 will be escorted to the office to call home. Please be on time as we have no after school supervision.
SCHOOL LUNCH: The cafeteria at Marigold Elementary School serves lunch between 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM. See our daily schedule for grade level lunch times.
Menus are given to students at the beginning of every month. The menu can also be viewed on the Chico Unified School District's web page at Click on Departments and then Nutrition Services. Full price for lunch is $2.60. Lunch may be purchased daily or may be paid for in advance. The cafeteria supervisor notifies students when they have used all of their prepaid meals. We are not able to extend credit for school lunch. Milk is included in lunch or may be purchased separately for $.50. Lunch and milk tickets may be purchased directly from the cafeteria or online.
Free and reduced price lunches are available for children whose families are eligible. Applications and information are sent home during the summer break and are available in the school office at any time.
PIP AND HEALTHY PLAY PROGRAMS: The Primary Intervention Program (PIP) is a program that provides primary students (grades 1-3) with and "Adult Friend" for support in developing social skills. The one-on-one attention helps children feel good about themselves and builds self esteem.
SAFETY INFORMATION: Chico Unified School District has developed a School Safety Plan for all schools. The includes disaster preparedness drills and emergency plans for students, staff, and the community. School plans are reviewed annually with teachers and students in order to ensure effective action in the event of a school emergency or disaster.
For the safety of our students, when arriving and leaving school:
* Use the cross walk
* Use the parking lots to pick up and drop off students.
* Please note that red zones are NO parking, stopping or standing zones. Vehicle code #21458.
LOST AND FOUND: Marigold staff members are not responsible for lost articles. Lost and Found clothing items are kept in the multipurpose room. Small and valuable items are kept at the office. Please encourage your child to check the Lost and Found on a regular basis. We donate to charities the clothing from the Lost and Found every trimester. Please label all clothing, lunch boxes, and personal school materials with your child's name (first and last).
DRESS CODE: The Board of Education has adopted a policy, which states that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The manner in which students dress for school can influence behavior and learning, therefore, we encourage parents to dress their children in neat, clean clothing appropriate for elementary school activities. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through clothing, halter tops, spaghetti straps, low-cut tops, bare midriffs, sagging pants, and short shorts or skirts are prohibited. For reasons of health/safety and Education Code provisions, all students will wear appropriate footwear (platform, open-toed, and backless footwear are discouraged and may not be worn during P.E.). Cosmetics are not allowed at school. Crude printing, pictures depicting or encouraging drugs, tobacco, alcohol, racial-ethnic slurs, gang affiliation, or images that are sexually suggestive on any apparel are not acceptable. The school will notify parents in the event a child's dress or grooming is not deemed appropriate for school.
Classroom volunteers provide a major support to our teachers and
students. We would like to invite parents to take an active roll in
their child's education by volunteering at school, for field trips, or
by doing clerical work at home. All volunteers are required to complete
an application, which clears them to work with students. Forms may be
picked up from a teacher or in the office. Forms are updated annually. Volunteers need to sign in at the office whenever on campus.
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION: Our PTA is a major support system for the activities that bring school and community together. This group sponsors our annual fundraiser, the Jog-A-Thon. It is an active group of parents and teachers who sponsor the Carnival, Book Fairs, All-School Skate Nights and holiday cookie dough sales. All proceeds benefit the school and students directly. We encourage all parents to attend the monthly PTA meetings and become a member of this very important support program.
PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION: Our PTA is a major support system for the activities that bring school and community together. This group sponsors our annual fundraiser, the Jog-A-Thon. It is an active group of parents and teachers who sponsor the Carnival, Book Fairs, All-School Skate Nights and holiday cookie dough sales. All proceeds benefit the school and students directly. We encourage all parents to attend the monthly PTA meetings and become a member of this very important support program.