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Library Catalog

Library Catalog


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Library Catalog 
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CUSD Elementary Library Resources

CUSD Elementary Library Resources

Learn How to Place Your Library Books on Hold During Distance Learning! Visit Ms. Lindsey's link to learn more!
Library Staff
Lindsey Lipski - Library Media Assistant
Monica Brown - CUSD Elementary Teacher Librarian 
Visit the CUSD District Elementary Library site for MORE library resources and information.

Dear Parents,
This letter is to inform you of your responsibility with regard to our school library home circulation policy.
For success in reading, students need many opportunities to interact with good books by reading them and by hearing them read aloud both at school and at home.  It is for this reason that our school library permits all students to take their borrowed library books home.
We will be discussing the meaning of this responsibility with your child.  We will need your help in making sure that the books are kept in good condition and are returned to the school library on time.  Parents will be expected to pay the replacement price for any lost or damaged books.
The following are ways to help your son or daughter assume this responsibility:
  •  Model careful handling of library books.
  • Help your child to find a safe place to keep the books during the borrowing period.
  • Help your child to remember to return the books on time.
    While the books are in your home, we hope that you will:
  •  Read them aloud to your child.
  • Have your child read to you.
  • Have your child read silently.
    Giving all students access to library resources at school and at home is one way that we hope to improve your child's opportunity for academic success.
    Thank you,
    Lindsey Lipski
    Marigold Library Assistant
    Research Writing Guides

    Research Writing Guides

    Need help with research?

    Visit the following links for tips

    to help you in your search.                                                                                                                                        

    Research Sites

    Research Sites

     Encylopedia Britannica School

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