School Site Council
School Site Council Documents
School Site Council Documents
The School Site Council shall consist of a minimum of ten members. The membership consists of five parents, three teachers, one classified staff, and the principal. The term of membership is two years. All parents and community members are welcome to attend meetings, but voting School Site Council members for the 2024-25 school year are:
School Staff and Community StakeholdersShawneese Heath, Principal orMarjie Starkey, Assistant PrincipalRosalyn DesRosier, Parent (joined 2022/23)Mike Trujillo, Parent (joined 2024/25)Bryan Casey, ESN Teacher (joined 2024/25)Jeramie Sabelman, Parent (joined 2022/23)Kelsey Pelagio, TK Teacher (joined 2024/25)Sarah VanWert, Parent (joined 2024/25)Mark Friedman, 4th Teacher (joined 2023/24)Adele Schneider, Parent (joined 2022/23)
School Site Council's Purpose
School Site Council's Purpose
- Discuss and make recommendations on the Site LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goals.
- Have
ongoing responsibility to review with the principal, teachers, and other school personnel, the implementation of the Site LCAP goals and to periodically assess the effectiveness of the goals. - Develop and approve a Title II and Safety Fund spending plan.
- Approve the school's site safety plan each year.
- Take other actions as required by the Education Code.