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Welcome  to the

Learning Center Website

All children have a gift...

They just open them at different times!

Welcome to our class website. This is where our students, family and friends can find information about our class and the answers to a lot of the questions you may have.

Just click on the links to view our calendar, class rules and expectations, projects, homework, photos and more.

Please contact me about any concerns you may have. I look forward to keeping in regular touch with you, so that together we can give our students the best education possible.

Our goal is to help students enhance positive growth academically, socially, and emotionally, by guiding them to:

  • Develop self-confidence, independence, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving abilities
  • Encourage a commitment to being kind, helpful, responsible, and respectful of others
  • Foster a true sense of inquiry and a life-long love for learning
Your Friendly Classroom Staff:

 Laura Holman
 Lucretia Greminger, Carol M., Hannah Smallhouse

Special Thanks to our PVHS Ace-Life Student Aides