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Welcome to Learning Center - P.M., which is held four days a week from 12:00 - 1:40. 

This program was created at the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year. It's purpose is to provide early and targeted intervention to students, grades 1-3, who have been identified as "At-Risk" of falling behind in their grade level.  Students are chosen after careful screening of their academic skills. 

Targeted intervention is given to approximately 45 students on a daily basis in sessions 20-30 minutes in length. There is a limit of 15 students per grade level, who are taught in small groups of five students per group. Specifically trained instructional aides provide intervention and support to the students along with and under the direction of an education specialist teacher. 

We are very proud of our program.  It has benefitted hundreds of students and given most the "extra" push to help them be successful.

If you have any questions please contact me at (530) 891-3121 #109, or by e-mail at

Laura Holman
Education Specialist